Indri Supriani, S.E.,M.SEI

Data Diri








  • Management of Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions
  • Seminar Topic Finance and Islamic Banking
  • 2021   Magister Sains Ekonomi Islam (M.SEI), Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • 2017   Sarjana Ekonomi (S.E), Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Islamic Banking
  • Islamic Finance
  • Halal Industry

• Revisiting the Contribution of Islamic Banks’
Financing to Economic Growth: The
Indonesian Experience
• A Review on Literature of Islamic
Microfinance from 2010-2020: Lesson for
Practitioners and Future Directions
• Mobile Banking Services Quality and Its
Impact on Customer Satisfaction of
Indonesian Islamic Banks
• What drives the inflow of FDI in OIC
countries? Evidence from Top 10 hosts of
inward FDI flows
• Examining The Correlation Between Islamic
Banks Profitability and The Business Cycle in
• The Nexus Between Zakat Performance,
COVID-19 Crisis and Islamic Banks’
Profitability: Empirical Evidence from
• Islamic Stock Market Performance Pre-COVID19: Empirical Evidence from Jakarta Islamic
• A Bibliometric Analysis of Zakat Literature
from 1964 to 2021
• Do Perceived Zakat Institutions and
Government Support Encourage The
Entrepreneurs to Pay Zakat?

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