Nugroho Suryo Bintoro, S.E.,M.Ec.Dev.,Ph.D

Data Diri









  • Econometrics II
  • Econometrics I
  • Public Economics I
  • Macroeconomics II
  • Development Economics
  • Public Sector Budgeting
  • Regional Economics and Regional Development
  • Taxation and Regional Revenue Management
  • Local Economic Development and Participatory Planning
  • Dissertation Review
  • 2018    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
  • 2010    Master of Economics Development (M.Ec.Dev), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • 2008   Sarjana Ekonomi (S.E), Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Public Finance
  • Asset Management and Property Valuation
  • Development Planning

• Indonesia’s New Economic Equilibrium in
• Government Budget Deficits and Trade
Deficits: Evidence from Indonesia
• Constructing the Social Capital and Digital
Literacy Index: Comparison of Agropolitan and
Minapolitan MSMEs in Indonesia
• The Impact of Covid-19 on Price Volatility and
Inflation in Malang City

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