Prof. Dr. Dra. Noermijati, M.T.M.

Data Diri






Guru Besar


S3 Manajemen


  • Pengantar Manajemen
  • Perilaku Keorganisasian
  • Pengantar Manajemen
  • Perilaku Keorganisasian
  • Perpajakan
  • Manajemen Perubahan
  • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
  • MSDM dan Perilaku Organisasi Rs
  • Manajemen Stratejik
  • Tesis
  • Teknik Proyeksi Bisnis
  • Manajemen Pemasaran Stratejik
  • Prinsip-Prinsip Manajemen
  • Ekonomi Manajerial
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Riset Perilaku Organisasi
  • Leadership Entrepreneurship
  • Komunikasi Bisnis
  • Leadership
  • Pemasaran Internasional
  • Manajemen Pelatihan Dan Pengembangan
  • Filsafat Ilmu dan Sejarah Pemikiran di Bidang Manajemen
  • Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis
  • Bisnis Riset Lanjutan
  • Seminar Proposal Penelitian Msdm
  • Manajemen Global
  • Komunikasi
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics
  • Disertasi
  • Business Experience

S1 – Manajemen, Universitas Brawijaya
S2 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
S3 – Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Brawijaya

  • Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
  • Asosiasi Ilmuwan Manajemen Indonesia (AIMI)
  • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Perilaku Keorganisasian
  • Manajemen Strategik
  • Manajemen Pemasaran
  • Flexibility Management
  • Perencanaan SDM
  • Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
  • Noermijati. (2023). The Role Of Quality Assurance In Improving The Distribution Of Organizational Performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management.
  • Noermijati. (2023). Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Jurnal Kewirausahaan Dan Inovasi.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Knowledge-Worker Productivity In Defense Industry: The Role Of Knowledge Management Through Employees’ Adaptability And Job Satisfaction. Media Ekonomi Dan Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Linking Innovation Orientation To Operational Performance: The Supply Chain Integration Mediating Effect. Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance 2021.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Role Of Job Demand, Job Burnout And Equity Compensation On Employee Satisfaction. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Construction Of Tourism Competitiveness Model Based On A Case Study Of The City Of Malang.. Quality-Access to Success.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Use Of Information Technology For Entrepreneurs. Eksis: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Dan Bisnis.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Role Of Motivation In Mediating Effect Of Expectation To Attitude. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Spiritual Work Motivation In Mediating The Influence Of Organizational Climate On Teacher Performance During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Exploring Characteristics Of Digital Organizational Culture In Post Covid-19: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP).
  • Noermijati. (2022). Mengapa Perilaku Burnout Dikuatirkan Oleh Para Manager Di Industri Manufaktur?. INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Dan Manajemen Indonesia.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Role Of Engagement Leadership And Motivation In Pharmaceutical Companies During Pandemic Covid-19. Jurnal Manajemen Industri Dan Logistik.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Influence Of Organizational Culture On The Employee Performance Mediated By Job Satisfaction And Organizational Commitment. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Analisis Penerapan Sistem Remunerasi Di Universitas Brawijaya. Jurnal Management Risiko Dan Keuangan.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Impact Of Digital Organizational Culture And Digital Capability On Organizational Performance Through Digital Innovation Mediation In The Covid-19 Era: A Study On Indonesian Pharmaceutical Soes.. Jurnal Pengurusan.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Pengaruh Persepsi, Motivasi, Lingkungan Keluarga, Dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Terhadap Minat Untuk Berkarir Di Bidang Start-Up. Jurnal Kewirausahaan Dan Inovasi.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran Dan Perilaku Konsumen.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The The Effect Of Service Quality And Service Experience On Word Of Mouth (Wom) With Perceived Value As Mediation. Journal of Business and Management Review.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Implementation Of The Shared Leadership Model To Develop Employee Performance. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Determinant Factors Of Tourism Destination Competitiveness And Destination Management: A Case Study From Malang City. 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022).
  • Noermijati. (2022). Are Improving The Life Spirit At The Latter Ages Possible?. -.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Strategies To Improve Entrepreneurial Behavior In Online Selling Through Advances In Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Intellectual Agility And Business Environment. KnE Social Sciences.
  • Noermijati. (2022). The Link Between Workplace Incivility, Emotional Exhaustion, And Job Embeddedness: Examining The Moderating Role Of Power Distance. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.
  • Noermijati. (2022). Model Altruism In Improving Organizational Performance In Social Welfare Institutions Ministry Of Social Affairs Of The Republic Of Indonesia. Cogent Business & Management.
  • Noermijati. (2021). The Effects Of Personality, Deviant Behavior, And Employee Engagement On Frontline Employees’ Organizational Commitment. Management Science Letters.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Effect Of Strength Of The External Environment And Islamic Business Ethics On The Performance Of Islamic Finance Companies With Intellectual Capital Mediation. Management Science Letters.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Competitiveness Of Tourism Destinations: An Extended Criteria Of Resource-Based View. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Conceptualizing The Role Of Organizational Performance In Indonesia. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Improving The Performance Non-Profit Organizations?. Academy of Strategic Management Journal.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Rule Of Organizational Culture And Organizational Climate In Improving Teacher Performance During The Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery With Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil. Iccd, 3 (1), 62-66. -.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Empowering Startup And Technopreneurship In East Indonesian Region: Case Of North Sulawesi As Indonesian Hub In Asia Pasific Region. 7. The 1st International Conference on Regional Economic and Development.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Attraction Variables That Determine The Performance Of Business At Covid 19.. Review of International Geographical Education online.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Time Demands Of Work, What Does Really Matter? A Study On Stationery Companies In Jakarta. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE.
  • Noermijati. (2021). The Role Of Deviant Behavior In Mediating The Effect Of Organizational Culture And Ethical Climate Toward Banking Employees Performance. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2021). The Mediating Role Of Self-Congruity In Transnational Higher Education Choice: A Proposed Framework. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Enhancing Millennial Performance Through Individual Characteristics And Employee Engagement. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery With Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil. ICCD.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Innovation Orientation, Marketing Capability, Dynamic Capability, And Performance. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Noermijati. (2021). The Relationship Among Job Demand, Job Satisfaction, And Job Burnout Of Bank Employees In Malang. Contemporary Research on Business and Management.
  • Noermijati. (2021). Effect Of Customer Relationship Management To Customer Retention Mediated By Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Effect Of Islamic Work Ethic Towards Teacher Performance With Work Motivation As An Intervening Variable At Sabilillah Islamic Boarding School In Sampang. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.
  • Noermijati. (2020). What Is The Role Of Women When Faced With Personal Conflicts At Work?. -.
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Strategy Of Islamic Microfinance To Strengthen Company Performance In Indonesia.. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Analyzing Of External Environment Force And Islamic Business Ethics On Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Performance Through Organizational Commitment.. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences.
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Impact Of Training On Front Liners Performance: Moderating Effect Of Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Aktualisasi Teori Herzberg: Suatu Kajian Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Kinerja Manajer Operasional (Penelitian Di Perusahaan Kecil Rokok Sigaret Kretek Tangan Di Wilayah Malang). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Work-Family Conflict, Job Engagement, Emotional Exhaustion: Their Influence On The Turnover Intention Of Indigenous Papuan Female Employees. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Impact Of Individual Characteristics Towards Employee Performance Of Millennial Employees: The Moderating Effect Of Training. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Job Satisfaction As A Mediation Role And Spiritual Intel-Ligence As A Moderation Effect To Compensational Jus-Tice To The Government Banking Employees Performance In Malang City. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology.
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Role Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior As Relations Mediator: Study Of Personality And Performance Of Police In Indonesia. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Individual Citizenship Pride: Is It The Consequences Of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour-Individual (Ocb-I). International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Transformational Leadership In Higher Education:(A Study In Indonesian Universities). Atlantis Press.
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Effects Of Job Satisfaction To Intention To Leave. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Mugiono, Irfan Noviandy Aulia And Rustam Efendi Siregar. 2020. Reawakening Perceived Person Organization Fit And Perceived Person Job Fit: Removing Obstacles Organizational Commitment. Management Science Letters Vol.
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Mediating Role Of Destination Value, Tourist Satisfaction, And Tourist Engagement On The Relationship Between Destination Image And Tourist Loyalty In Maluku, Indonesia. Leisure/Loisir.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Organizational Culture: A Key Factor To Improve Nurse Performance. Enfermería Clínica.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Suprapto, Sonia Tiffany.(2020). What Is The Role Of Women When Faced With Personal Conflicts At Work. European Journal of Business and Management.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Burnouts Didn’T Happen In Individuals That Have A Strong Self Efficacy. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Recognizing The Role Of Job Satisfaction In Predicting The Relationship Between Political Organization, Organizational Climate, And Organizational Culture On Organizational Citizenship Behaviour On Liquor Distributor Companies In Indonesia. European Journal of Business and Management.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Time Demands Of Work, What Does Really Matter. A Study on Stationery Companies in Jakarta. ICISPE.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Reawakening Perceived Person Organization Fit And Perceived Person Job Fit: Removing Obstacles Organizational Commitment. Management Science Letters.
  • Noermijati. (2020). Self-Esteem: The Levels Of Religiosity In Job Insecurity And Stress In Government Company. 4th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business (ICMEB).
  • Noermijati. (2020). The Implication Of Job Satisfaction That Influence Workers To Practice Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) In The Work Place. Archives of Business Review–Vol 8.
  • Noermijati. (2019). The Effect Of Work Satisfaction On Employee Engagement. Polish Journal of Management Studies.
  • Noermijati. (2019). The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence On Employee Performance Mediated By Cooperative Conflict Management Style Of Integrating And Compromising. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2019). The Effect Of Work Stress On The Performance Of Employees Psychological Well-Being And Subjective Well-Being (Study At Pt. Global Insight Utama Bali Area). MEC-J (Management and Economics Journal.
  • Noermijati. (2019). The Influence Of Psychological Empowerment And Islamic Spiritual Leadership On Organizational Commitments And Intrinsic Motivation. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Noermijati. (2019). The Effect Of Work Environment And Organizational Culture On Employee Performance Mediated By Work Motivation (Study On Operational Field Employee Of Pt. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur Tbk). MEC-J (Management and Economics Journal).
  • Noermijati. (2019). The effect of work environment and organizational culture on employee performance mediated by work motivation (Study on operational field employee of PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur Tbk) ,Management and Economics Journal (MEC-J) , – ,2019 ,1 , hal 2599-3402.
  • Noermijati. (2019). Full Reserve Requirement Banking System For The Community Economic Sustainability. ICCD.
  • Noermijati. (2019). The Concept Of Network Marketing Agility And Its Implications. 2019 International Conference on Organizational Innovation.
  • Noermijati. (2019). Management Practices On Strategic Human Resource Towards Employee Performance Through Organizational Commitment. Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development.
  • Noermijati. (2019). The Effect Of Job Stress On Turnover Intention Mediated By Burnout And Demographic Characteristics As Moderation Variable.. Quality-Access to Success.
  • Noermijati. (2019). Dissemination Of Waste Dangers To Environmental Health In Anggadita Village. ICCD.
  • Noermijati. (2018). Analysis of transformational leadership effect towards organisational citizenship behaviour mediated by organisational commitment in the heritage hotel. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Vol. 11, No. 3.
  • Noermijati. (2018). Does green product consumption gendered? Investigating among MILLENIALS in an emerging market,2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (2018 ICOI).
  • Noermijati. (2018). The Role Of Motivation In Mediating Effect Of Expectation To Attitude. Journal of Applied Management (JAM). Volume 16 Number 3, September 2018
  • Noermijati. (2018). The Role of Political Skills for Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 11, Issue 4, 493-498.Scopus; (Q3).
  • Noermijati. (2018). The influence of transformational leadership and work motivation on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Management (JAM).  Volume 16 Number 1.
  • Noermijati. (2018). The influence of ethical leadership to deviant workplace behavior mediated by ethical climate and organizational commitment ,International Journal of Law and Management , 60(2) , hal 233-249.
  • Noermijati. (2018). The relationship between work-family conflict, career success orientation and career development among working women in Indonesia ,International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration , 4(2) , hal 49-56.
  • Noermijati. (2018). Does Green Product Consumption Gendered? Investigating Among Millennials in an Emerging Market ,KnE Social Sciences , 3 hal 1226-1235.
  • Noermijati. (2018). THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION IN MEDIATING EFFECT OF EXPECTATION TO ATTITUDE ,Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 16(3).
  • Noermijati. (2018). Organizational Commitment of Non-Profit Organization Volunteers: A Study on the Save Street Child (SSC) Organization in Malang City, Indonesia ,International Business Research , 11(8) , hal 154-162.
  • Noermijati. (2018). Green product buying intentions among young consumers: Extending the application of theory of planned behavior ,Problems and Perspectives in Management , 16(2) , hal 145-154.
  • Noermijati. (2018). Analysis of transformational leadership effect towards organisational citizenship behaviour mediated by organisational commitment in the heritage hotel ,International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance , 11(3) , hal 520-529.
  • Noermijati (2017). The effect of remuneration, job satisfaction and OCB on the employee performance , Science Journal of Business and Management , 4 ,2017 ,6 , hal 212-222.
  • Noermijati (2017). The Hasthabrata leadership in government institution: A case study in Indonesia , International Journal of Business , 22 ,2017 ,2 , hal 143-157.
  • Noermijati (2017). The effect of transformational leadership, organizational learning capabilities and innovation on competitive advantage: A study on MSEs under CSR program of PT Telkom regional II, Jakarta-Banten, Indonesia , International Journal of Economic Research , 14 ,2017 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2017). Influence of Life Style and Attitude Toward Trust and Repeat Purchase Intentions on Social Media Users (Study On Instagram Users in Malang) ,WACANA, Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora , 20 ,2017 ,2 , hal 273-285.
  • Noermijati (2017). Pengaruh Rare Resources terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing dan Kinerja USAha ,MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen , 7 ,2017 ,3 , hal 484-497.
  • Noermijati (2017). The influence of organization culture and motivation on the volunteer’s intention to leave mediated by the work satisfaction: a study on volunteers at non profit organization Save Street Child in East Java province , Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences , 61 ,2017 ,1 , hal 137-147.
  • Noermijati (2017). Examining the link between Spiritual Values at Work, Learning Orientation, Human Resources Practices and Organizational Health: An Indonesia Case Study ,International Review of Management and Marketing , 7 ,2017 ,3 , hal 17-24.
  • Noermijati (2017). Influence of Quality of Work Life towards Psychological Well-Being and Turnover Intention of Nurses and Midwives in Hospital ,Kesmas: National Public Health Journal , 12 ,2017 ,1 , hal 7-14.
  • Noermijati (2017). THE EFFECT OF TRUST, RISK, AND WEB DESIGN ON CONSUMER INTENTION BY MEANS OF CONSUMER ATTITUDE TO PURCHASE ONLINE , Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 15 ,2017 ,3 , hal 472-479.
  • Noermijati (2017). The Role of Political Skills for Organizational Commitment , International Journal of Economic Perspectives , 11 ,2017 ,4 , hal 1683-1689.
  • Noermijati (2017). The role of tenure as a mediating factor on the effect of moral person and moral manager toward affective commitment of employees: a study on civil servants of the government of Malang Regency , Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences , 61 ,2017 ,1 , hal 216-223.
  • Noermijati. (2017). Examining the Link between Spiritual Values at Work, Learning Orientation, Human Resources Practices and Organizational Health: An Indonesia Study Case. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2017, 7(3).  17-24, ISSN: 2146-4405, Penerbit: econjournals.
  • Noermijati. (2017). Influence of Life Style and Attitude Toward Trust and Repeat Purchase Intentions on Social Media Users (Study On Instagram Users in Malang).  National Public Health Journal. 2017; 12, (1). : 7-14.10.21109/kesmas.v12i1.1144.
  • Noermijati. (2017). Peran Etika Kerja Islami dan Locus Of Control Dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai (Studi Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD).  Kab. Buton Utara). Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia Vol. 3, Nomor 1.
  • Noermijati. (2017). The role of tenure as a mediating factor on the effect of moral person and moral manager toward affective commitment of employees: a study on civil servants of the government of Malang regency. RJOAS, 1(61).  January 2017
  • Noermijati. (2016). Pengaruh Brand Exposure Dan Brand Experience Terhadap Brand Trust Dan Brand Recall (Studi pada Produk Smartphone di Wilayah Kota Malang).
  • Noermijati (2016). Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Komitmen Organisasional Perawat dan Bidan Kontrak di RS Bhayangkara Hasta Brata Batu Malang , Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 14 ,2016 ,1 , hal 58-67.
  • Noermijati (2016). Job satisfaction as a mediating variable in the effect of remuneration on employee performance , Business Management and Consumer Studies-An International Journal , 1 ,2016 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2016). Peran Komitmen Organisasional dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja terhadap OCB Islam (Studi pada BMT Maslahah Sidogiri) , Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 14 ,2016 ,4 , hal 747-756.
  • Noermijati (2016). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai dengan Dimediasi oleh Kepuasan Kerja (studi pada KPPN Makassar 1 dan KPPN Makassar 2) , Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 14 ,2016 , 3 , hal 537-545.
  • Noermijati (2016). Peran kompensasi dan karakteristik leadership pada kinerja guru yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja , Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi , 12 ,2016 ,2 , hal 51-62.
  • Noermijati (2016). The Destination of Cognitive Image, Personality Destination, and Hedonic Value, Intention to Recommends (Study on Sightseeing North Sulawesi) , International Journal of Business and Management Invention , 5 ,2016 ,7 , hal 49-54.
  • Noermijati (2016). Working motivation as mediating variable for the influence of Spiritual quotient towards working performance: a study in the Regional Secretary of Puncak Jaya , Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences , 60 ,2016 ,12 , hal 141-149.
  • Noermijati (2016). THE APPLICATION OF THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR ,CEEOL , – ,2016 ,2 , hal 145-154.
  • Noermijati (2016). Green Product Innovation’s Effect on Firm Performance of Managerial Environmental Concern and Green Communication , Journal of Administrative And Business Studies , – ,2016 ,2 , hal 56-63.
  • Noermijati. (2016). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Stress Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai dimediasi Kepuasan Kerja (studi pada KPPN Makassar 1 dan KPPN Makassar 2). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen (JAM).  Vol 14 No3, 2016, ISSN : 1693-5241. Terakreditasi SK No. 36a/E/Kpt/2016
  • Noermijati. (2016). The Role of Organizational Culture and HRMP in Strengthening the Effect of Leadership on Knowledge Sharing (A Study at Ngudi Waluyo General Hospital, Wlingi, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia). Global Academy of Training & Research (GATR).  Enterprise.
  • Noermijati. (2016). Working motivation as mediating variable for the influence of Spiritual quotient towards working performance: a study in the regional secretary of puncak jaya. RJOAS12(60).  December 2016.
  • Noermijati. (2015). Corporate social responsibility of exxon mobil cepu limited in understanding of mojodelik and braboan society, Bojonegoro-Indonesia. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences9(11).  May 2015, Pages: 191-197, Penerbit: AENSI Publisher.
  • Noermijati (2015). The Role of Job Satisfaction and Power Distance In Determining The Influence Of Organizational Justice Toward The Turnover Intention ,Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences , 211 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). Corporate social responsibility of exxon mobil cepu limited in understanding of mojodelik and braboan society, bojonegoro-indonesia , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, , 9 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). Organizational commitment and job satisfaction as a mediator the effect of leadership style on OCB of employees , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 9 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). Peran Etika Kerja Islami dan Locus Of Control Dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai (Studi Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD), Kab. Buton Utara) , Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia , 3 ,2015 ,1 , hal 1-13.
  • Noermijati (2015). Peran Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Moderasi Masa Kerja , Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan , 19 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). Socıal Competence, Human Capıtal and Entrepreneurıal Success (A Study on the Owner of Fish Trading Business) ,Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application , 3 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). Cultural Shifting of Construction Workers and the Effect on Construction Project Management in East Java , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 9 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). The effect of job stress and job motivation on employees’ performance through job satisfaction (A study at PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. Surabaya-Gempol branch) , Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy Ventura , 8 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). Relationship between E-Service Quality, E-Satisfaction, E-Trust, E-Commitment In Building Customer E-Loyalty: A Literature Review , International Journal of Business and Management Invention , 4 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati (2015). The Influences of Transformational Leaderships on Employees Performance (A Study of the Economics and Business Faculty Employee at University of Muhammadiyah Malang) ,Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application , 3 ,2015 , , hal –.
  • Noermijati. (2015). Cultural shifting of construction workers and the effect on construction prohect management in East Java. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(31).  September 2015, Pages: 517-523, Penerbit: AENSI Publisher.
  • Noermijati. (2015). Organizational commitment and job satisfaction as a mediator the effect of leadership style on OCB of employees. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(31).  September 2015, Pages: 498-508. Penerbit: AENSI Publisher.
  • Noermijati. (2015). Peran Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Moderasi Masa Kerja. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, Vol.19, No.2 Mei 2015, hlm. 326–335Terakreditasi SK. No. 040/P/2014
  • Noermijati. (2015). The role of job satisfaction and power distance in determining the influence of organizational justice toward the turnover intention2nd Global Conference on Business and social science-2015, GCBSS-2015, 17-18 September 2015, Bali, Indonesia, Penyelenggara: Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (Elsevier) hal. 42 – 48,
  • Noermijati. (2014). The Role of Organizational Culture on Spiritual Leadership, Human Capital, and Employee Loyalty. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6, No.21,ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper).  ISSN 2222-2839 (Online).
  • Noermijati. (2014). Alasan Gaya Hidup Konsumen dalam Mengkonsumsi Kebaya sebagai Barang Mewah. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen (JAM). Vol 12 No 3. ISSN: 1693-5241. Terakreditasi SK DIRJEN DIKTI NO. 66b/DIKTI/KEP/2011.
  • Noermijati. (2014). Green Marketing Mix As Strategy to Improve Competitive Advantage in Real Estate Developer Companies. International Journal Of Business And Management Invention, Volume 3 Issue 11, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X.
  • Noermijati. (2013). Organizational Commitment as Mediation Variable Influence of Work Motivation, Leadership Style and Learning Organization to the Employees Performance (Studies at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Limited) Branch Bitung). IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). e-ISSN: 2278-487X. Volume 7, Issue 2 (Jan–Feb 2013).  PP 12-25.
  • Noermijati. (2013). The effect of entrepreneurship orientation on the small business performance with governance role as the moderator variable and managerial competence as the mediating variable on th e small business of apparel industry in cipulir market, South Jakarta. IOSR-JBM. Vol X, issue X 9 JAN-FEB.2013).  pp 1-7
  • Noermijati. (2013). The effect of spiritual intelligence and asta brata leadership to the cultural of trihita karana and employment performance. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 11, Issue 2
  • Noermijati. (2013). The influence of organizational commitment and individual competence on teacher performance : in the learning organization perspective (a study on elementary school teachers in Ternate City). International Journal of Business and Behavior Sciences vol 3, no 8, August 2013
  • Noermijati. (2013). The role of entrepreneurial orientation in mediating the effect of organizational culture and government policy toward business performance9case study:koperasi unit desa in Bali province). International Journal of Business and Commerce Vol. 2, No.12: Aug 2013[29-42]
    (ISSN: 2225-2436).
  • Noermijati. (2013). Ommitment and trust in manager as predictor of organizational citizenship behavior. IJCRB VOL 4, NO. 12, 133-141, APRIL 2013.
  • Noermijati. (2013). Personality effect on OCB: trust in manager and organizational commitment mediator of organizational justice in Makassar city hospitals (Indonesia). European Journal of Business and Management. Vol. V no.9, pp 95-104.
  • Noermijati. (2013). Analysis of competitive advantage in the perspective of resource based view. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM).
    e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 10, Issue 1.
  • Noermijati. (2013). Kajian tentang Aktualisasi Teori Herzberg, kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja Spiritual Manajer Operasional, Buku referensi.Penerbit University of Brawijaya Press.
  • Noermijati. (2013). OCB role in mediating the effect of transformational leadership, job satisfaction on employee performance: study in PT Bank. International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 8, No. 17; 2013.
  • Noermijati. (2013). The Effect Of Entrepreneurship Orientation On The Small Business Performance With Government Role As The Moderator Variable And Managerial Competence As The Mediating Variable On The Small Business. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). e-ISSN: 2278-487X. Volume 8, Issue 1.
  • Noermijati. (2013). Aplikasi manajemen strategi dengan pendekatan balance scorecard (Studi pada Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Provinsi Bali). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, VOLUME 11, NOMOR 4,ISSN: 1693-5241. Terakreditasi SK DIRJEN DIKTI NO. 66b/DIKTI/KEP/2011.
  • Noermijati. (2012). Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment and Trust in Manager as predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
  • Noermijati. (2012). Knowledge Factors Of Knowledge Sharing Intention And Behavior.
  • Noermijati. (2012). Analysis of Competitive Advantage in the perspective of Resources Based View.
  • Noermijati. (2012). Personality Effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): Trust in Manager and Organizational Commitment Mediator of Organizational Justice in Makassar City Hospitals (Indonesia).
  • Noermijati. (2012). The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Mediating the Effect of Organizational Culture and Government Policy toward Business Performance (Case Study: Koperasi Unit Desa in Bali Province).
  • Noermijati. (2011). Peningkatan Kepuasan Nasabah Melalui Penerapan SERVQUAL (Studi pada Nasabah BPR X di Kabupaten Malang). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Noermijati. (2011). Peranan Karakteristik Individu dan Stress Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Anggota Kepolisian Resor Malang. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Noermijati. (2011). Pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan terhadap kinerja Organisasi Koperasi orientasi pasar sebagai variabel intervening (Studi pada koperasi primer di kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Noermijati. (2011). Peranan kepemimpinan transformasional dan kecerdasan emosional dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan (Studi pada proyek konversi energi batu bara PT X di Gresik). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Noermijati. (2011). Perkembangan Entrepreneur di Malang: Studi Proses, Fase Perkembangan dan Model yang Berkelanjutan. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Noermijati. (2010). Kajian tentang Variabel 7-s Mckinsey dan Kesuksesan Manajemen Bank Perkreditan Rakyat. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
    Noermijati. (2010).Pentingnya Memanage Keanekaragaman/Diversity dalam Organisasi di Era Global. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Lihat publikasi selengkapnya di sini.

Noermijati. (2013). Kajian Tentang Aktualisasi Teori Herzberg, Kepuasan Kerja, dan Kinerja Spiritual Manajer Operasional.

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