Prof. Dr. H. Armanu, SE., M.Sc.

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Guru Besar


S3 Manajemen


  • Manajemen Pemasaran Stratejik
  • Perilaku Konsumen
  • Strategi Manajemen Global
  • Manajemen Stratejik
  • Perilaku Organisasi
  • Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia
  • Manajemen Penjualan
  • Total Quality Management
  • Manajemen SDM Stratejik
  • Teori Manajemen Lanjutan
  • Filsafat Ilmu dan Sejarah Pemikiran di Bidang Manajemen
  • Aplikasi Teori Ekonomi di Bidang Manajemen
  • Ekonomi Manajerial
  • Global Marketing
  • Bisnis Riset Lanjutan
  • Riset Bisnis
  • Leadership
  • Disertasi
  • Entrepreneurship And Business
  • Teknik Proyeksi Bisnis
  • Advanced Construction Management
  • Teori Ekonomi (Mikro & Makro)
  • Leadership Entrepreneurship
  • Etika Bisnis dan Manajemen Lini
  • Pembiayaan Pembangunan Lanjut
  • Seminar Proposal Penelitian Msdm
  • Tesis
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • MSDM dan Perilaku Organisasi Rs
  • Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia Internasional
  • Human Resource Management
  • Riset Perilaku Organisasi dan Sumberdaya Manusia
  • Flexibility Management

S1 – Manajemen, Universitas Brawijaya
S2 – Manajemen, Central Luzon University, Philipina
S3 – Manajemen, Central Luzon University, Philipina

  • Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
  • Asosiasi Ilmuwan Manajemen Indonesia (AIMI)
  • Penyunting Jurnal Ilmiah, Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen
  • Global Marketing
  • Total Quality Management
  • Human Resources Planning
  • Filsafat Ilmu
  • Bisnis Riset
  • Kepemimpinan
  • Strategi Manajemen Global
  • Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
  • Armanu. (2022). The Effect Of Career Development And Work Environment On Employee Performance With Work Motivation As Intervening Variable At The Office Of Agriculture And Livestock In Aceh. International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration (IJEBAS).
  • Armanu. (2022). The Effect Of Perceived Organizational Support And Transformational Leadership On Turnover Intention Of Health Workers At Hospital X Mimika Regency Papua. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science.
  • Armanu. (2022). The Impact Of Financial Literacy On Retirement Planning With Serial Mediation Of Financial Risk Tolerance And Saving Behavior: Evidence Of Medium Entrepreneurs In Indonesia. International Journal of Financial Studies.
  • Armanu. (2022). The Determinant Factors Of Tourism Destination Competitiveness And Destination Management: A Case Study From Malang City. 19th International Symposium on Management.
  • Armanu. (2022). Building The Competitiveness Of Traditional Retail Supply Chain Management Through The Actualization Of Pancasila Values. 19th International Symposium on Management.
  • Armanu. (2022). The Change Of A Poor Paradigm To A Rich Paradigm Through The Nu Coin Movement Process. 19th International Symposium on Management.
  • Armanu. (2022). Social Media Marketing’S Effectiveness On Purchase Intention Mediated By Brand Image And Trust. Interdisciplinary Social Studies.
  • Armanu. (2022). Construction Of Tourism Competitiveness Model Based On A Case Study Of The City Of Malang.. Quality-Access to Success.
  • Armanu. (2021). The Effect Of Empowerment, Work Environment, And Career Development On Employees Performance With Work Motivation As The Intervening Variable In The Government Of Aceh-Indonesia. Quantitative Economics and Management Studies.
  • Armanu. (2021). The Influence Of Digital Literacy And Demographic Characteristics On Online Shopping Intention: An Empirical Study In Palestine. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB).
  • Armanu. (2021). Tech Start-Up Incubation Program: Business Model Evaluation On Government Based Incubator In Indonesia. TEM Journal.
  • Armanu. (2021). Competitiveness Of Tourism Destinations: An Extended Criteria Of Resource-Based View. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business.
  • Armanu. (2020). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Stres Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja (Studi Di Kepolisian Negara Ri Sektor, Kepolisian Negara Ri Daerah Jawa Timur). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Armanu. (2020). Testing The Relationship Of Employee Empowerment And Organisational Performance. Jurnal Analisis Bisnis Ekonomi.
  • Armanu. (2019). Determinats Of Commitment From Women’s Cooperatives Through Relationship Values (International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8, 2019, 3, hal 68-73).
  • Armanu. (2019). Establishing relationship between barriers and facilitators of supply chain integration: A supply chain governance model (International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8, 2019, 2).
  • Armanu. (2019). Does Green Packaging Matter as a Business Strategy? (Management, 16, 2019, 2, hal 376-384).
  • Armanu. (2019). Analysis Of Strategy Management Activities Of Digital-Based Tourism Industry. International Conference on Organizational Innovation .
  • Armanu. (2019). The Search For New Measures In Organisational Communication: A Systematic Literature Review. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews.
  • Armanu. (2019). The Effect Of Team Work, Leadership Style, And Organizational Culture On Nurse Performance With Organizational Commitments As Mediation Variables In Hospital Type B In Jakarta. The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society.
  • Armanu. (2019). Introducing New Employee Empowerment Approach: A Systematic Literature Review. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews.
  • Armanu. (2018). Does Green Packaging Matter As A Business Strategy. Exploring young consumers’ consumption in an emerging market. Problems and Perspectives in Management.
  • Armanu. (2018). Peran Komitmen Organisasional Dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Kompetensi, Pelatihan Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Perawat. MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen.
  • Armanu. (2018). The Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict, Career Success Orientation And Career Development Among Working Women In Indonesia. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration.
  • Armanu. (2018). Impersonal Trust And Perceived Organizational Politics On Organizational Commitment. European Research Studies.
  • Armanu. (2018). Designing Business Incubator Model For Start-Up Digital. Proceedings of the 2018 9th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics.
  • Armanu. (2018). Roles And Functions Of Transformational Leadership In Improving The Paskibra High School Organization Performance. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
  • Armanu. (2018). Impersonal Trust and Perceived Organizational Politics on Organizational Commitment. European Research Studies Journal. Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2018.
  • Armanu. (2018). The relationship between work-family conflict, career success orientation and career development among working women in Indonesia ,International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration , 4(2) , hal 49-56.
  • Armanu. (2018). Designing Business Incubator Model for Start-up Digital ,Proceedings of the 2018 9th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics hal 91-55.
  • Armanu. (2018). SKKD No. 008/UN25. 5.1/TU. 3/2018″ Retail Attribute’s Effect on Shopping Motivation and Customer Loyalty: Age as a Moderating Variable” ,- , – ,2018 ,1 , hal 27-36.
  • Armanu. (2018). Impersonal Trust and Perceived Organizational Politics on Organizational Commitment ,European Research Studies Journal , 21(3) , hal 391-403.
  • Armanu. (2018). Community satisfaction as a mediation of service quality and the feasibility of community services study on community of public service at local government Jayapura City Papua Province, Indonesia ,Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 13(7) , hal 1683-1689.
  • Armanu. (2018). The role of Maven in relationship between internal marketing and commitments with performance at University Hasanuddin, South Sulawesi, Indonesia ,Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 13(15) , hal 6246-6255.
  • Armanu. (2017). The effect of remuneration, job satisfaction and OCB on the employee performance. Science Journal of Business and Management.
  • Armanu. (2017). Retail Attribute’s Effect on Shopping Motivation and Customer Loyalty: Age as a Moderating Variable ,Repository Unej ,(1) , hal 27-36.
  • Armanu. (2017). The Role of Political Skills for Organizational Commitment ,International Journal of Economic Perspectives , 11(4) , hal 1683-1689.
  • Armanu. (2017). The Role of Organizational Culture and Human Resource Management Practices in Strengthening the Effect of Leadership on Knowledge Sharing (A Study at Ngudi Waluyo General Hospital, Wingil, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia) ,Journal of Management and Marketing Review , 1(1) , hal 72-80.
  • Armanu. (2017). The Role of Shared Leadership and Work Environment in Strengthening the Influence of Compensation on Nurse’s Performance ,Proceedings of Sydney International Business Research Conference ,3A , hal 82-95.
  • Armanu. (2017). Euphoric of complaint behavior in new cyberspace era and democratic climate progression ,International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research , 15(18) , hal 173-182.
  • Armanu. (2016). Entrepreneurial characteristics as a mediation of entrepreneurial education influence on entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education.
  • Armanu. (2016). Pengaruh Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, dan Brand Image terhadap Brand Loyalty pada Generasi Y di Indonesia ,Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 14(3) , hal 471-480.
  • Armanu. (2016). Developing entrepreneurial spirit based on local wisdom ,International Journal of Social Science Research , 4(2) , hal 44-65.
  • Armanu. (2016). The Destination of Cognitive Image, Personality Destination, and Hedonic Value, Intention to Recommends (Study on Sightseeing North Sulawesi) ,International Journal of Business and Management Invention , 5(7) , hal 49-54.
  • Armanu. (2015). The role of corporate culture and employee motivation as a mediating variable of leadership style related with the employee performance (studies in Perum Perhutani). Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Armanu (2015). The Minang entrepreneur characteristic ,Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences , 211(2) , hal 255-263.
  • Armanu (2015). Moderation effects of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in relation between environmental dimensions and entrepreneurial alertness and the effect on entrepreneurial commitment ,Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences , 169 hal 13-22.
  • Armanu (2015). The Importance of Leadership Behavior and Motivation İn Creating Employee Performance:(A Study at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Brawijaya) ,Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application , 3 (2) , hal 86-105.
  • Armanu (2015). Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Perawat tentang Flebotomi terhadap Kualitas Spesimen Laboratorium ,Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya , 28(3) , hal 258-262.
  • Armanu (2015). Pengaruh Faktor Organisasi terhadap Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia serta Motivasi Karyawan (Studi pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kota Malang) ,Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 13(1) , hal 36-43.
  • Armanu (2015). The Effect of Role of Leaders and Strategic Planning Intensity on Strategic Diffusion of Middle Management in South Kalimantan Government ,European Journal of Business and Management , 7(28) , hal 135-144.
  • Armanu. (2014). The relationships among entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial intention. IOSR Journal of Business and Management
  • Armanu. (2014). Work family conflict: A review of female teachers in Indonesia.
  • Armanu. (2012). European Journal of Business and Management.
  • Armanu. (2012). Organizational Citizenship Behavior Effect On Patient Satisfaction And Loyalty Throught Service Quality (Study on Maternity Hospitals In Indonesia).
  • Armanu. (2012). The Role of Strategic Human Resource Management Practice Mediated by Knowledge Management on Service Quality (Study on Publicand Private Hospitals In South Kalimantan, Indonesia).
  • Armanu. (2011). Pengaruh Faktor Stimulus Ekspor dan Karakteristik Lingkungan Perusahaan terhadap Strategi Pemasaran Ekspor serta Dampaknya pada Pencapaian Ekspor Batik di Eks Karesidenan Surakarta. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 9 Nomor 1, Januari 2011.
  • Armanu. (2011). Kinerja Usaha Kecil Berbasis Strategi Bisnis, Budaya Organisasi, dan Kepribadian Pemilik (Studi pada Usaha Kecil di Kabupaten Magetan,Pacitan, dan Ponorogo). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 9 Nomor 1, Januari 2011.
  • Armanu. (2011). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan serta Pengembangan Karyawan terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Menengah Atas (Studi Deskriptif tentang Guru SMAN pada Dinas Pendidikan Kota Jayapura-Papua. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 9 Nomor 3 , Mei 2011.
  • Armanu, Hendrasti, Lily, Noermijati. (2011). Perkembangan Entrepreneur di Malang : Studi Proses, Fase Perkembangan, dan Model Berkelanjutan. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 9 Nomor 4 , Juli 2011.
  • Armanu. (2010). Peran Budaya, Kepribadian Aparatur, dan Peraturan terhadap Konflik antara Pemerintah Provinsi dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten/ Kota serta Implikasinya terhadap Kinerja (Studi Aparatur Pemerintah di Maluku Utara). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 8, Nomor 4, Nopember 2010.
  • Armanu. (2010). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Komitmen Pengurus serta Implikasinya pada Kinerja Koperasi (Studi pada Koperasi Unit Desa di Jawa Timur). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 8, Nomor 4, Nopember 2010.
  • Armanu. (2010). Pengaruh Karakteristik Individu, Stress Kerja, Kepercayaan Organisasional terhadap Intention To Stay Melalui Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasi (Studi pada Dosen Tetap Yayasan PTS Makassar).  Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 8 Nomor 3, Agustus 2010.
  • Sukmawati, Setiawan, Margono, Thoyib,Armanu, Surachman. (2010). Pengaruh Dimensi Organisasi, Kepemimpinan, Motivasi terhadap Transfer of Kowledge dan Daya Saing Organisasi (Studi pada Bank Niaga Makasar). Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 8 Nomor 2 , Mei 2010.
  • Alam, Rosalina, Thoyib, Armanu. (2010). Pengaruh Pemberdayaan terhadap Kelelahan Kerja dan Kecerdasan Emosional Perawat dan Bidan pada Rumah Sakit Palopo, Parepare dan Bone, di Sulawesi Selatan. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 8 Nomor 1 , Februari 2010.
  • Armanu. (2009). Pengaruh Kebijakan Pemerintah, Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneur) Terhadap Produktivitas Usaha dan Keberlanjutan (Sustainability) Pekebun Kecil pada Industri Kelapa Sawit di Provinsi Riau. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw Vol. 7 Nomor 1 , Mei 2009.
  • Lihat publikasi selengkapnya di sini.
  • Armanu. (2011). Total Quality Management.
  • Armanu. (2012). Manusia dan Organisasi di Era Global.
  • Armanu. (2018). Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif Perspektif Sistem: Mengungkapkan Novelty dan Memenuhi Validitas Penelitian.
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