Dr.rer.pol. Wildan Syafitri, S.E.,M.E

Data Diri






Assistant Professor




  • Indonesian Economy
  • Public Policy Analysis
  • Indonesian Economy
  • Economic Research Method
  • Labor Economics
  • Planning and Development Policy
  • Taxation and Regional Revenue Management
  • Regional Economics and Spatial Development
  • Dissertation Review
  • Local Economic Development and Participatory Planning
  • 2012      Doctor rerum politicarum (Dr.rer.pol), Universitat Kassel, Germany
  • 2003     Magister Ekonomi (M.E), Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • 1994      Sarjana Ekonomi (S.E), Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Rural Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Planning Economics

Labor Overseas Migration and Rural
Infrastructure Development in Java Island
• Spatial Dependence in Rural Development in
Developing Countries: An Empirical
Investigation for Indonesian Rural Areas
• Determinants of Informal Sector Migrant
Income in Rural East Java during the Covid-19
• Return Migration and Entrepreneurship: The
Role of Human Capital
• Determinants of Informal Sector Migrant
Income in Rural East Java during the Covid-19
2020 to 2022

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