Prof. Dr. Agus Suman, S.E.,D.E.A

Data Diri








Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi


  • Introduction to Economics
  • Macroeconomic I
  • Institutional Economics and Politic
  • Development Economics
  • Policy and Indonesian Economy
  • Planning and Development Policy
  • Regional Economics and Spatial Development
  • Dissertation Review
  • Local Economic Development and Participatory Planning
  • 1995   Doktor (Dr), Universite Pierre Mendes Grenoble 2, France
  • 1992   Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (D.E.A), Universite Pierre Mendes Grenoble 2, France
  • 1986   Sarjana Ekonomi (S.E), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Economics Theory
  • Development Economics
  • Development Policy
  • Political Economics

Fiscal Decentralization, Economic Growth and
Regional Development Inequality in Eastern
• The Impact of Suramadu Bridge Construction
and the Spillover Effect of Surabaya City’s
Economic Activities on the Madura Region.
• Does Regional Government Spending Boost
Economic Growth: In an Era Of Fiscal
• Increasing Employment through Local
Government Expenditures: Simultaneous
Model Analysis
• Increasing Employment through Local
Government Expenditures: Simultaneous
Model Analysis
2017 to 2018

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