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S1 – Manajemen,Universitas Brawijaya
S2 – Manajemen,Universitas Brawijaya
S3 -Corporate Finance, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
- Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Talent Management on Business Performance of The Creative Industries in Indonesia. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). Indonesia’S Defense Industry: Influences of Tqm Practices on Employee Productivity with The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction. Atlantis Press.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). The Effect of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Social Influence Toward Intention To Use Mediated By Trust. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). Improving Company Value: The Role of Human Capital, Structural Capital, Capital Employed, Investment Decisions, and Manager’S Attitude to Risk. BISMA (Bisnis Dan Manajemen).
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). The Effect of Safety Knowledge and Workplace Safety Climate on Safety Performance With Safety Behavior as A Mediator: A Study on Operations Worker of Pindad. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). Mengurangi Material Breakage Menggunakan Analisis Pemecahan Masalah Kepner-Tregoe Pada Sistem Manajemen Logistik. Jurnal Management Risiko Dan Keuangan.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sebelum dan Sesudah Initial Public Offering (IPO). Jurnal Management Risiko Dan Keuangan.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). Pengaruh Influencer Keuangan dan Literasi Keuangan Terhadap Minat Investasi Generasi Milenial di Pasar Modal. Jurnal Management Risiko Dan Keuangan.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2022). Valuation of Stocks Listed on Idx High Dividend 20 Index (2018-2020) Using Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model. Jurnal Management Risiko Dan Keuangan.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2021). Indonesian Mutual Funds: Performance Determinants and Interaction of Macroeconomic Factors. International Journal of Revenue Management.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2021). The Relationship Between Military Participative Leadership and Personnel Performance with Remuneration as Moderation Role. Quality-Access to Success.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2021). Customer Equity as Mediator of Customer Experience And Loyalty Relationship. Quality-Access to Success.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2020). Islamic Banking and Income Inequality: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2020). Intellectual Capital Exploitation in Investment Opportunity Set Through Risk Premium: Strategy To Increase Company Value. Atlantis Press.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2020). Parameters of Knowledge Management and Internal Corporate Governance as Determinants of Cooperative Sustainability. Atlantis Press.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Equity Fund, Fixed Income Mutual Fund, and Mixed Mutual Fund. Atlantis Press.
- Wijayanti,Risna. (2020). The Effect of Transglobal Leadership and Organizational Culture on Job Performance-Inter-Employee Trust as Moderating Variable. International Journal of Public Leadership.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2019). The effect of socially responsible marketing on corporate reputation PT Bank Negara Indonesia in Malang regency (Study on Branchless Banking agent in PT BNI) (International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, –, 2019, 1, hal 113-118).
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2018). Manajemen risiko berbasis spiritual Islam ,EKUITAS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan) , 16(1) , hal 184-208.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2018). Underpricing and long-term market performance of initial public offerings in Indonesia: A quantile regression approach ,Business and Economic Horizons , 14(1) , hal 152-167.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2018). Financial assistance, marketing assistance and export commitment to improve export performance ,European Research Studies Journal , 21(4) , hal 69-91.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2018). Organizational culture type as moderation influence reward organization to share knowledge and its impact of work performance of employees at Local Government of Ternate City ,Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 13(11) , hal 4131-4149.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2017). The Effect of quality of internal corporate governance mechanisms on investors’ confidence: Evidence among Indonesian sharia compliant companies , International Journal of Economic Research , – ,2017 ,15 , hal 73-85.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2017). Commodity Prices, Exchange Rates and Investment on Firm’s Value Mediated by Business Risk: A Case from Indonesian Stock Exchange ,European Research Studies , 20 ,2017 ,11 , hal 4131-4149.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2017). Moderating Effects of Manager Attitude toward Risk on Relationship between Demand Uncertainty and Fixed Investment Decision and the Effect on Firm Value ,Australian Academy of Accounting and Finance Review , 3 ,2017 ,2 , hal 72-84.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2017). Effect of strategic management dimensions on corporate entrepreneurship intensity at smes of tempe chips in malang , International Journal of Economic Research , 14 ,2017 ,10 , hal 297-303.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2017). Construction the meaning Sharia bank for Indonesia Santri community , International Journal of Economic Research , 14 ,2017 , 18 , hal 279-288.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2017). Commodity prices, exchange rates and investment on firm’s value mediated by business risk: A case from Indonesian stock exchange , European Research Studies Journal , 20 ,2017 ,11 , hal 4131-4149.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2016). The Role of Consistency in Sharia Status on the Relationship Between Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Investors’ Confidence: Evidence Among Indonesian Sharia Compliant companies ,Universiti Sains Malaysia , – ,2016 , , hal –.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2016). Developing entrepreneurial spirit based on local wisdom , International Journal of Social Science Research , 4 ,2016 ,2 , hal 44-65.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2015). Pengaruh Variabel Fundamental dan Makro Ekonomi terhadap Harga Saham (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Masuk dalam Indeks LQ45) ,Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 13 ,2015 , , hal –.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2015). Moderation effects of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in relation between environmental dimensions and entrepreneurial alertness and the effect on entrepreneurial commitment ,Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences , 169 ,2015 , , hal 13-22.
- Wijayanti, Risna. (2015). The mediating role of entrepreneurial alertness in relationship between environmental dimensions and entrepreneurial commitment: entrepreneurial self-efficacy as moderating variables , International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 26 ,2015 ,4 , hal 467-489.
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