Must take effort and activities that a provision in preapering campus’s intellectual cadres to be able to face global challenges that are specifically realated to the econmy.
Therefore, Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya held “Perspektif Manajemen 2019” by the topic “Business Strategy and Innovation in the Era of Technological Development” and “Perpektif manajemen 2” by the topic “ Get Ready To Be Millenial Investor” with the hope that it could facilitate Management Department students to have dialogue regarding issues that related to the current economic situation from management’s scientific perspective together with the academics, practitioners, and relevant agencies. So that students can know and understand well how the application of knowledge that has been learned in facing the dynamics of the Indonesian and global economy.
This activity held on March 26th 2019 and November 30th 2019 at the hall of Building D Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya and was attended by Management Department students. This activity starts at 09.30 a.m to 11.55 a.m. which discussed related technopreneur delivered by academics, practitioners, and related agencies that attended this activity.