Students or undergraduate graduates are required to have skills in their fields of study through lecture activities, also must have soft skills through organizational activities. The form of organization followed by students can be in the form of legislative institutions, executive institutions, majors, autonomous institutions and semi-autonomous institutions at the Faculty of Economics and Business, especially those that demand managerial knowledge and abilities in their respective institutions. Thus, the provision of managerial knowledge and ability to manage student organizations needs to be owned by every student who is especially active in organizational activities. Managerial skills are not only useful in the activities of campus organizations but are useful for the world of work that he will take after the lecture period.
One form of effort to provide these provisions is through training called the Student Management Skills Exercise – Middle Level (LKMM-TM). The material curriculum that will be used will be in accordance with the curriculum that has been made by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Directorate General of Belmawa). The level of curriculum used is the intermediate level prepared for the 2017 Faculty of Economics and Business students as a form of cadre of institution management in 2019 which is guided by experienced LKMM guides.
This LKMM-TM activity is held on Saturday – Sunday, 30-31 March 2019 in the Hall of Building A, 3rd floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya. The theme raised in this activity is “Generation with integrity for quality KM FEB.” The form of the activity is in the form of training and simulation through 4 main discussions, namely the nature of organization, organizational problems, organizational development plans and organizational performance measurements.
The participants who attended the event were 96 people, 69 people on the first day and 55 people on the second day. And reaching 32 active interactions in the form of questions, responses and answers on the first day and 39 active interactions on the second day. This event went smoothly and did not experience severe obstacles.
Students or undergraduate graduates are required to have skills in their fields of study through lecture activities, also must have soft skills through organizational activities. The form of organization followed by students can be in the form of legislative institutions, executive institutions, majors, autonomous institutions and semi-autonomous institutions at the Faculty of Economics and Business, especially those that demand managerial knowledge and abilities in their respective institutions. Thus, the provision of managerial knowledge and ability to manage student organizations needs to be owned by every student who is especially active in organizational activities. Managerial skills are not only useful in the activities of campus organizations but are useful for the world of work that he will take after the lecture period.
One form of effort to provide these provisions is through training called the Student Management Skills Exercise – Middle Level (LKMM-TM). The material curriculum that will be used will be in accordance with the curriculum that has been made by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Directorate General of Belmawa). The level of curriculum used is the intermediate level prepared for the 2017 Faculty of Economics and Business students as a form of cadre of institution management in 2019 which is guided by experienced LKMM guides.
This LKMM-TM activity is held on Saturday – Sunday, 30-31 March 2019 in the Hall of Building A, 3rd floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya. The theme raised in this activity is “Generation with integrity for quality KM FEB.” The form of the activity is in the form of training and simulation through 4 main discussions, namely the nature of organization, organizational problems, organizational development plans and organizational performance measurements.
The participants who attended the event were 96 people, 69 people on the first day and 55 people on the second day. And reaching 32 active interactions in the form of questions, responses and answers on the first day and 39 active interactions on the second day. This event went smoothly and did not experience severe obstacles.
Mahasiswa ataupun lulusan sarjana dituntut untuk memiliki hardskill dibidang ilmunya melalui kegiatan perkuliahan, juga harus memiliki softskill melalui kegiatan organisasi. Bentuk organisasi yang diikuti mahasiswa bisa berupa lembaga legistlatif, lembaga eksekutif, himpunan jurusan,lembaga otonom dan juga lembaga semi otonom di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis khususnya yang menuntut pengetahuan dan kemampuan manajerial di lembaga masing – masing. Dengan demikian, bekal pengetahuan dan kemampuan manajerial untuk mengelola organisasi kemahasiswaan perlu dimiliki oleh setiap mahasiswa yang khusunya aktif di dalam kegiatan organisasi. Kemampuan manajerial tidak hanya berguna dalam kegiatan organisasi kampus melainkan berguna untuk dunia kerja yang akan ia tempuh setelah masa perkuliahan.
Salah satu bentuk upaya untuk memberikan bekal tersebut adalah melalui pelatihan yang disebut Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa – Tingkat Menengah (LKMM- TM). Kurikulum materi yang akan digunakan akan sesuai dengan kurikulum yang telah dibuat oleh Direktorat Jendral Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan (Ditjen Belmawa). Tingkat kurikulum yang digunakan adalah tingkat menengah yang disiapkan untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis angkatan 2017 sebagai bentuk kaderisasi kepengurusan lembaga tahun 2019 yang dipandu oleh pemandu LKMM yang berpengalaman.
Kegiatan LKMM-TM ini dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu – Minggu, 30-31 Maret 2019 di Aula Gedung A lantai 3 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya. Tema yang diangkat pada kegiatan ini adalah “Generasi berintegritas untuk KM FEB yang berkualitas.” Bentuk kegiatan berupa pelatihan dan simulasi melalui 4 pembahasan utama yaitu Hakikat organisasi, Masalah organisasi, Rencana pengembangan organisasi dan Pengukuran kinerja organisasi.
Peserta yang hadir dalam acara ini sebanyak 96 orang, 69 orang di hari pertama dan 55 orang di hari kedua. Serta mencapai 32 interaksi berupa pertanyaan, tanggapan dan jawaban di hari pertama dan 39 interaksi aktif di hari kedua. Acara ini berjalan dengan lancar dan tidak mengalami kendala yang berat.